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samedi 27 septembre 2014

How to check if someone is Paypal Verified

A lot of people don't know if their paypal accounts are verified or not which can be a problem on transaction with other users and you may get accused of scam when you can't send him the money because you are not paypal verified.

So on this tutorial I will show you how to check if any paypal is verified or not + getting the register date of the user , simply follow those STEPS :

1. First you need somebody's email address...
( Let's use as an example. )

2. Go to PayPal, and log in

3. Copy and paste this url:

4.  Replace "" with the person's email address
( In the example, it'd be )

5. The resulting page will show whether or not that email is linked to a verified PayPal account.
( It will show is NOT Verified in bold, red letters. )

I hope this tutorial was useful for you  , if you still didn't understand the steps , check the following video that we made for you 


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